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Understand why the same creativity that raised the human being to a brilliant scientific age was originally the same that led him to create naive myths about creation, its origin and its destiny after here.


As can be seen in “Man made God and the Devil à his Image and Likeness”,  o human brain needs to sort sense of all the things around you. This is a ruse honed over thousands of years of evolution to help you learn about the world. The human being, with his “programming” as an archivist of nature, compulsively sticks “labels”  on everything he comes across. However, when it cannot find a definition natural for something, as a standard reaction it fills in the information gaps by building responses that extrapolate the natural definitions of what we know, too, in order to of alleviating the anxiety caused by ignorance itself. In this work, you  will be able to notice that due to this architecture of our mind some side effects have occurred  in the course of human history.


Among other issues, on this journey we will explore the human mind in the light of science and we will realize that culture and a religion obviously play a role in supernatural beliefs, but as neuroscientist Bruce M. Hood claims, they are not the factors that trigger this tendency in an individual, but rather, as can be seen in more depth, just a line of thought to make sense of the very instinctive beliefs that we have developed since childhood.

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